Sunday, November 7, 2010


This blog is about bringing Mother Goose Rhymes to the e-media. I worked with a young artist 10 years ago and we created a Mother Goose web site as did many others.  One of the best which is still on line is the complete volume By Blanch Fisher Wright.  Of course this book is still in print and promotes the common sense wisdom of the ages. It also contains many verses which are no longer politically correct, sexist or violent. Still the common sense wisdom of the best of the verses should be preserved for our children.

Mother Goose was originally published in French in 1697 and a few years later in English.  The 1791 Newbery edition contained fifty-two verses, each with an amusing but sometimes irrelevant moral added, and each illustrated with a tiny woodcut. But, for most living adults, a hard-copy of  The Real Mother Goose by Blanch Fisher Wright (in reprint) is still the standard and for good reason. 
The Real Mother Goose: Includes a Read-and-Listen CD (Read and Listen)

The Kindle versions have no illustrations no matter how Amazon Promotes them ($4.79)

I did my first picture book on Kindle (Pippa and her iPad by John Boyd) as I was amazed to watch my 3 year old proficiently using her parents iPad in a natural manner and deriving hours of pleasure from it.  I know which side of the digital divide and computer literacy all my granddaughters are on and I am glad that my children are preparing their children to survive in tomorrow's technological world. 
Pippa and Her iPad

Pippa's education started in a normal way as she wanted to snuggle with her Mom and Dad while they were reading and both parents started downloading applications like coloring books for young people.  What utterly amazed me when watching my grandchildren is that parents cannot share their Kindle with their children because their are very few if any illustrated children's books that have been formatted for that media.
Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite - Latest Generation

Over the next couple of weeks, I plan on publishing "Our Mother Goose, a Piture Book for Kindle" with art by Jerlyn Thomas. Kindle owners will then be able to encourage chidren to snuggle and read on Kindle and cross over the digital divide.

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